Thursday 4 December 2014


FILMING: 11TH JANUARY 2015       TIME: 12:30PM - 2:30PM  
From my storyboard it would be scenes 4-12

  • Killer (either gender as nothing will be revealed)
  • Victim (girl)
  • Killer - Alan Byford
  • Victim - Sunner Edlin 
  • Filming - Megan (me)
  • Lighting " - "
  • Microphone " - " (although at points held by helpers)
  • Directing " - "
  • Other help - Janvi Bhalla, brought in fake blood for me to use
  • Victim - Doll outfit or something that could be similar (borrowing a friends Halloween outfit), make-up needs to be doll like (as shown in previous posts). 
  • Killer - black hoodie, black trousers (jogging bottoms), black gloves. The black shows darkness and evil as well as mystery.
  • Weston Woods - this is because I need the person running through the woodland away from the killer and it is a creepy location.
  • Knife - was real and I painted some fake blood on it. 
  • Costumes
  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Boom Pole
  • Phone for extra lighting if necessary (filming during the day shouldn't need that much extra light)
  • Tripod for the camera

Weston woods is at the edge of Baldock, it is very easy to find from various locations, we will have to walk through the actual woods on foot, so if it's too cold I will provide coats (if they don't already have one), hand warmers, etc. At first we can make a base at my house to do the make-up and costumes, then we can get a lift from my family (mother/father, they have agreed to help). 


Sunner came round my house around 1pm, which was later than planned but other arrangements had come up suddenly, but when she arrived we started straight on the make-up aspects as that was the hardest to get right. we started fresh with foundations and powders, and then with eyes. The eyes had to have make-up that not only showed the doll-like features but also made her look tired and almost dead-looking, another reason why we used pale foundation. We also put some of this dark makeup around her nose and edges of her face to make it look a little bit dirty - as the victim would have been kept in a shed for a while so that would make sense. Then we did the lips, they had to be the feature that stood out the most as they are commonly related to the doll appearance. Finally the blusher was a big feature too, so we put on a lot of pink to make the cheeks look full. After that was done, Sunner changed into the costume and some fake blood was applied to the arms and wrists. 

My dad dressed in dark tracksuit bottoms and jumper/coat, as well as bringing gloves and a balaclava, this made absolutely sure the face couldn't be seen. We also bought a real knife that I had painted in some of the fake blood. 

Packing the equipment, we left my house around 3:40pm and got to the woods about 10 minutes later in the car as it is relatively near to my house. We walked around to find somewhere to set up for the first sequence and filmed that, with a few different angles, before moving to a new spot to film more running. the spots included a range of different angles and the spaces ranged from something in a tight frame to a much wider frame. Through the time period we were out there the evening got darker and near the last few shots, it was almost pitch black. This added to the effect as at the beginning she is free and nearer the end she gets captured and that's a metaphorically a darker situation, so having a darker atmosphere is better. After all the shots I had taken, we left around 5:30pm. 


iMessage to Sunner (9th Jan)

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