Thursday 13 November 2014


In the shots of my film there are a variety of sounds that I will need to create and atmosphere and suspense. 

Wind noises; I can film these as they are usually in the background of the woods at this time of year (November). The wind noises make a very eerie and spooky kind of sound as if there is no one and the victim or killer are both completely alone, which can cause the viewers to be quite distressed as they know no one is going to help the victim. It is also a diegetic noise as the film will be set in a woodland location.

Walking on leaves; although this can be filmed, I want this to be quite a focused sound as when the victim will be running through the woods I want there footsteps to be the only thing that you can hear, as this makes the viewer feel as if that is the only thing that the killer may be able to hear too - this makes people uneasy as you don't want the victim to get caught by the killer. I will probably either get a sound effect from the internet that is not copyrighted, or film the running on leaves noise with the microphone especially for that reason, then edit it to fit the noise with my scene.

Shed door slamming; I have filmed this scene and the noise that comes from it is already loud and realistic, so I won't make any adjustments to that sound. It is quite intense and might make people just suddenly. 

Heartbeat noises; these match the expectations of running, it will be something the character hears but it won't be that loud so people outside of the character will hear. It will create suspense as the intensity of the scene as it reinforces the idea that the victim is in danger and has high stress levels. I will probably add this sound effect in as the actual heartbeat noise from my actor won't be loud enough. 

Heavy breathing; this noise I can film as when my actor is running, she may get out of breath, if not, it is a noise you can act out quite easily. I can use the microphone to pick up this noise. Heavy breathing puts the audience under pressure as well as they can imagine that the killer will be able to hear that as well and that is only another reason for the victim to be found and caught. 

Pages of a book turning; I need this noise at the beginning when the killer is looking through his album of photos of past victims. This can be recorded at the location as it will be dead silence in his 'lair', and this noise should be the only thing that is heard, apart from maybe small wind noises in the background. 


  1. Excellent look at foley/sound effects. I would recommend you record the sounds separate as well as during filming as you may want to get clearer sound and add it in to your film afterwards.

  2. Excellent explanation and analysis of sound effects needed with a realistic approach to how to achieve the desired effect.
