Thursday 23 October 2014


Why do you like/not like horror movies?:

I allowed this question to have longer answers because it would help e see what I should put in, e.g. the thrills and the sudden jumps, suspense and maybe what not to put in, such as excessive gore.

Who do you usually see as the villains/victims?:

This question would help me decide on characters, most people saw the females as the victims as they are shown in the media as being stereotypically weaker and helpless, although some say they would prefer a female villain for once because it would make a change for once and sometimes women can have a scarier look about them. Male victims have also been shown as rare, but male villains aren' really rare at all, this is because they have a stereotype of being stronger and in control. 

Types of light settings?

This question is useful because it would help me decide when to set the film, whether it should be in night time or put a black and white filter on it. From this, I've decided to set it in an 'unsettling light', since the woodland area, a daytime winter haze can give that location a creepy and silent feel. 

1 comment:

  1. Very comprehensive but a bit text heavy you could have used pie charts or some such to illustrate the responses and then included a selection of the most useful comments,
