Thursday 9 October 2014


This section of analysis from the website shows how many people responded overall as well as the devices they used to respond. This is very useful as it can help us see how many people commonly use devices to look at information on the internet, this could be used in my horror movie as it would help to know where to distribute it, e.g. on Netflix so people on tablets and phones can get to it. It also shows completion time, and we can see that people on laptops and PCs spent more time answering the questions than on smartphones. 
Most people in this survey were under 21 and within the age range of 19-20, however none were under 10. This is probably accurate as you wouldn't want people under 11 to see the type of things in a horror movie and the age ranges shown in my survey are around the ages that I would have my audience at.

This shows how many people in the survey were female and male, and this part is fairly problematic as 91% were female and not a lot were male, so there isn't much of a range of males who completed the survey, meaning it is a little bit biased. However, considering that horror movies are quite generic, it isn't so important as they appeal to both audiences fairly well. 
*Please note that there are 66 people in this section as one person answered other, but the rest of their answers were actually good to use.

 This section was fairly even in the ratio of Yes:No, which is great because then it is not biased in any way. 

In this part of the survey I was able to see what people really expected and liked to see in a horror film. This was useful because it would help me choose a plot much more easily. Suspense was the top one, which is understandable, and the second most popular was murderers which is where I was heading with my plot. Since this was multiple choice, the answers obviously add up to more than 67, I did this to see what people liked, without them having to choose something specifically. 

I asked this question because it would help me decide where to set my filming, and I was already considering using a woodland area, which I always considered was quite intimidating and scary.
Most people in this survey suggested that the use of music did make them feel suspense whilst watching a horror film. This is useful information because it makes me think about what type of music to put in if I put in anything at all.

Most people said that sound effects such as excessive  stabbing noises or screams appealed to them whilst watching the film which tells me that these sound effects maybe a good idea.
This information isn't relevant specifically to my horror film, however if i was making the full film, I would be able to see where I should distribute it after production to make the most profit and to get it to more people. 

This is very relevant to my opening as it allows me to see how interesting I should keep my opening before filming. If it is uninteresting, the audience would not continue watching it and this number line shows that it is fairly important to have a good opening. 

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