Monday 13 October 2014


Joanna: (casually walking down k–block corridor)

(a scream comes from a nearby room)

Joanna: (reaction shot of her looking worried)

Joanna: (close up of opening the door on the handle)

(Joanna walks in, the camera is in the classroom looking at Joanna as she walks in)

(Point of View shots Joanna looks round to see what the noise was)

(Muffled noise comes from behind the desk)

(Pan/Tracking shots Joanna walks run over to the desk)

(Point of View shot of Joanna seeing a person tied up)

Joanna: (Confused reactions, worried facial expression) What the hell happened?! Are you okay?! Who did this to you?! Is it safe?!

(looking around worried)

Jemma: (frustrated) Just untie me!!

(The camera is positioned watching the two girls: While looking around frantically, Joanna starts to untie Jemma)

Joanna: (point of view shot or her untying Jemma) It’s safe now, you’re safe!

(Screen goes black)

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