Thursday 23 October 2014


What we did:
We filmed Jemma and Joanna acting out our script, this took a few lessons to complete so that we had a few angles for each part of our preliminary film, this included POV shots, close ups, panning shots and more. After that we uploaded the footage and then started editing. Editing took about 4-5 lessons, this was so we could experiment with the Final Cut system, such as the sounds and the titles, also the cutting effects (like a fading effect). 
What I enjoyed:
Learning about the equipment and software on the Macs was really enjoyable, it helped me think about how I can incorporate these helpful tools into my later film opening. I also enjoyed filming and helping with sound and camera angles, it really helped me learn about how different angles can make a good effect for making things look scary or making people look safe, or how to get the right frames for people to be talking face to face (or in our case also back to back).
What I could've done better: 
I think if we'd filmed all of them more consecutively, we could've had a lot more continuity, such as clothing, hair styles, etc, although this would mean that we would have to film all on the same day, which could take a lot more time than we had, so in all fairness, we did the best that we could. 

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