Thursday 23 October 2014

0:00 - BEGINS
0:16 - 20th Century Fox Logo with iconic theme tune in the background, fades out

0:26 - UTV Company Logo fades in and the wind noise in the background begins

0:31 - Wind/Breeze noises until 0:44, this gets louder throughout sequence

0:43 - Spyglass Entertainment Logo as well as the continuation of the wind noise in the background

0:51 - 20th Century Fox screen credit, as well as the other sponsor and production company credits, fade in and out the background of blue sky and clouds, wind dies down and music begins

1:03 - Harp strings and the wind sounds continue, violin noises irregular patterning (FADE CUT INTO BACKGROUND)

1:11 - Mark Wahlberg acting credit is the first name to appear out of the whole cast

1:18 - 'The Happening' title credits in larger writing (TITLES FADE IN AND OUT)

1:19 - The music becomes louder and more instruments are added in such as a low drum beat, violins and piano, they are set in a repetitive melody, however some notes are irregular to show unnatural happenings and bad emotions in the film

1:24 - Zoeey Deschanel acting credit

1:30 - John Leguizamo acting credit

1:35 - Betty Buckley acting credit 

1:40 - Frank Collinson and Ashlyn Sanchez acting credit

1:45 - Spencer Breslin and Robert Bailey Jr

1:50 - Casting Director Credit

1:57 - Costume Designer Credit
2:00 - Music by

2:05 - Co-producers

2:15 - Edited by

2:21 - Production designer

2:28 - Director of Photography

2:35 - Executive Producers

2:42 - More Executive Producers

2:50 - Deeper sounds introduced in the melody, louder and quicker paced and there is a sudden climax to the music as the director's name appears on the screen 

2:54 - Written, produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan 
3:07 - Establishing shot of people doing various activities in Central Park, and POV shot of a random man walking his dog, then pans to the rest of landscape of Central Park

3:13 - Caption, 'Central Park 8:33am', noises are just wind and breeze noises, this makes it sound sinister and haunting (SOUND BRIDGE) 

3:15 - Low angle shot of trees/skyline

3:17 - Wide shot, actors in the centre on a 
park bench, bustling background noises, dog noises, dialogue

3:33 - Slow zoom in, towards characters, some dialogue

3:39 - POV shot, rapid pan to par area, long shot, focus on people in distance (STRAIGHT CUTS) 

3:40 - close up of one of the girls talking about what she 'sees'
3:50 - switch to a shot of park again, people in the park start walking backwards

4:05 - 3 shots, shot, reaction shot (or reverse shot), repeated scream noises, these angles how emotion in the persons face, it also emphasizes the traits of other characters, in this opening we can see that the world around her has come to a halt and she is confused. This is useful for the audience as it puts them in suspense about what might be happening around her. (JUMP CUT)

4:12 - panning shot follows dog to 'frozen' owners

4:48 - Two shot, girl stabs self in neck, sound effect noises of stabbing, other actor is in background looking shocked. 

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