Monday 20 October 2014

Costume and Makeup Ideas

Doll like makeup - this is to reinforce the idea that the killer is not right, it also gives a uniqueness to the whole story as most serial killers in films are kind of slasher, and don't really have much difference. This 'fetish' almost, gives my film a different kind of horror as it mixes both the creepiness of the doll aspect with the aspects of the victims murder. 

Halloween costumes would be ideal for making the victims doll like as they already have the fake blood aspect and the criteria of the killer's actions. They should be easy to attain as I have friends who are having a costume party for Halloween and a few of them are getting these style costumes. If they ask for payment, I would provide, but considering they are my friends, I would really expect them to. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan - this is a very attractive blog with some very detailed and analytical posts on it. I especially liked your questionnaire results and analysis, you will find that very useful in informing your own decisions for your film. Camera angles need analysing for their effect and purpose, but there is some lovely work here. Check Show My Homework for the full list of work done and to be done. Well done.
